Friday, 14 September 2012


 This is just creating a simple box by clicking on box on the right hand side. Then click and drag to create it.
 This is using the rotate tool, you can get to it by clicking on the icon on the top left, or you can right click the object and select rotate.
Here is a look at all the standard primitive objects. You can also view all the objects on your 3d space and there names by clicking on 'select by name' in the top right.

 Here is changing how many polygons are in the shape, to view the mesh you have to press F4.
This is playing with with the polys, pulling them around to make a new shape. To do this, make a box, right click it and select 'convert to' and then 'editable poly'. Then play around with the settings in the top right by clicking then dragging on your object.

To do this, I created a cone and a cylinder. But to place the cone on the cylinder I needed to enable snapping and to change it so its snaps to things that are to the power of 2. To do that I right clicked the snap tool, clicked on home grid. Then changed grid spacing to 8and every nth grid line to 16. Once I had done this the cone would easily and accurately snap to the cylinder.

Here is a model I have created using the techniques I have learnt.

Here is a better version of my experimentation. I copied the main square by clicking and dragging over everything, then holding shift and dragging the selection to copy it. To add a texture, I pressed 'M' to open the material editor. Then selected 'maps' and clicked on ambient colour and assigned a texture. Then I just dragged the sphere onto the objects I wanted the texture on.

Create a cube using the Keyboard entry.
Convert it to an editable poly and then use the inset tool.
And then use the extrude tool.
Then we had to create a rectangle and place it corner to corner like a plank of wood. Then select the Unwrap UVW.
Then create your texture in photoshop and drag it in to the material editor.

Here we created a plain then used are material editor to apply the texture for us to trace.
We could then line up the verts to shape the shield.

Here we started to shape the shield

Here we a making a tileable texture to use on are models.

Here we extruded the shape down.
Then we used the inset tool.
Then deleted the inside.
We then used to cap tool to make the shape taller, then used to extrude tool to make it longer.
Here we used the extrude tool to make it longer.

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